Joy - Lantern poems

by • April 24, 2010 • Lantern Poems, Poems & Quotes, Poetry Styles, Poetry WorkshopComments (71)12098

Joy – Lantern poems

Joy – Lantern poems

Joy – Lantern poems

Lantern poems are a very short poem and easy to write! It only has five lines and this is how many syllables are in each:
The first line has got 1 syllable
The second line has got 2 syllables
The third line has got 3 syllables
The forth line has got 4 syllables
And the 5th line has got 1 syllable ( This line usually is strongly related to the first line )
They must be center aligned to look like the shape of a Japanese lantern ( this is why they are called lantern poems )

Grows strong
If we have
Desire to

 © 2010 Marinela Reka

Lantern Poems

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71 Responses to Joy – Lantern poems

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TWT POEMS. TWT POEMS said: Short Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Joy (Lantern Poems): Lantern poems are very short and easy to wr… […]

  2. Barb says:

    Hello Marinela,
    Simple but very effective in conveying feeling. I enjoyed learning of this form.

  3. Yuva says:

    Yes the joy of a lifetime, is the love one acquire in life.

    but i also think simple pleasure of daily life all adds up to summarize life of joy..

  4. Yuva says:

    and your vocab… is fab..

  5. SandyCarlson says:

    I so needed this. Thank you.

    I will try this form of poetry with my students. I like it very much.

  6. Stan Ski says:

    Sounds good, looks good – I’ll try one… or two…

  7. Marinela says:

    Thank you everyone!
    It would be lovely to read your lantern poems!
    I appreciate your time! 😀
    Marinela x

  8. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. thank you for letting me know about lantern poems .. one day I’ll give them a go .. for now more than enough on! Have a great week .. Hilary

  9. Linda Jacobs says:

    I’m going to try these! Thanks! I love what you wrote and the picture of Kermit is so cute.

  10. Eileen says:

    Lovely lantern poem. Thanks for the instructions, you make it sound easy.

  11. william says:

    very nice indeed, I always like to read other forms of poetry thank you

  12. Erin says:

    So much wisdom packed into one short poem! I’d never heard of a lantern poem, but now I’m looking forward to trying it.

  13. Pietro says:

    Marinela, that’s an interesting form of poetry, and your composition is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Dee says:

    I enjoyed learning about lantern poems and your is beautiful!

  15. George says:

    I’m going to try these! Thanks! I love what you wrote and the picture of Kermit is so cute.

  16. Nick says:

    very nice indeed, I always like to read other forms of poetry thank you

  17. Simon says:

    Marinela, that’s an interesting form of poetry, and your composition is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Thomma Lyn says:

    Wise words, and what fun, learning about lantern poems. 🙂

  19. Tumblewords says:

    Ah, I enjoyed learning about this form and particularly enjoyed your words and photo!

  20. Nara Malone says:

    I found your site through Sunday scribblings. I loved learning about lantern poems. I’ll have to try one — maybe for poetry train tomorrow. There’s so much to learn here. I’ll have to visit often.

  21. Ji says:

    lovely poem,
    it is technique required, but you make it very beautiful!

  22. ayu says:

    simply amazing..and the message is so true..:)

    (ps. check out my latest post if you have time,,.thanks :3)

  23. Bananazക says:

    Great lantern poem something very new to me love your poems. Nice blog, will be back for more ~;) tQ.

  24. Gemma says:

    Love generates an ultimate joy that sings within! Lovely poem!

  25. Sathish says:

    Ur blog’s very nice ,i went through couple of ur poems & was impressed..
    The vocab was very good ,will definitely follow-up…

    keep blogging
    cheers !!!

  26. Ian says:

    very nice indeed, I always like to read other forms of poetry thank you

  27. Petty Witter says:

    Many thanks for visiting me over at Pen And Paper.

    Some great verse, I don’t know if you’d be interested but I take part in a poetry meme most Wednesdays, f you’d like to pop over then you’ll find a link to Cara who hosts it OR if you like I’d be more than happy to include a link to your blog in my post on Wednesday – just let me know. Nice to meet you, best wishes, P.W.

  28. Ian says:

    simply amazing..and the message is so true..:)

    (ps. check out my latest post if you have time,,.thanks :3)

  29. Lifetips says:

    Great lantern poem marinela, well done!

  30. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of lantern poems before. They remind me of haiku but with an aesthetically pleasing shape (I’m assuming the name is related to the shape of the poems). I’m definitely going to try these!

  31. Kelly says:

    What a clever way to write poetry! I like trying to write Haiku sometimes and I think this would be just as fun.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!!

  32. Leslie says:

    ooo thanks for the lantern tip and the sweet Joy

    glad you popped by my site

    Happy Monday

  33. JeggyPo says:

    I love simple truth. The lantern Japanese poem is new to me. Thank you for sharing. Well done!
    Peggy Jo

  34. Ian says:

    What a clever way to write poetry! I like trying to write Haiku sometimes and I think this would be just as fun.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!!

  35. adam says:

    Great form and message to the poem. Nobody has to tell Kermit (my fav) to go green. lol Have a great day

  36. Jenners says:

    Oh … how wonderful. I loved learning about this type of poem. It is pleasing to the eye and the ear. I’ll have to give it a try sometime.

  37. Arti says:

    Hi Marinela,
    What a simple yet strikingly beautiful way to write a poem..I loved it.
    For a 14 year old you seem so talented…
    Thanks.Have a good day!!!

  38. Mary Lou says:

    Marinela, Thanks for your comment on my post. I’m going to try a lantern poem. I love your work.

  39. Marinela says:

    Hey everyone!
    I am so glad that you all enjoy reading about lantern poems,
    You should all give it a go!
    It is my pleasure to read your whats on blogs 😀
    Marinela x

  40. Titanium says:

    Beautiful! Thanks for visiting- I’ll be back, again and again. Your writing is simply lovely.

    The lantern poem here casts a beautiful glow all around. Thanks for this…

  41. […] wonderful young blogging poet introduced me to “Lantern Poems”.  You can read hers here. They are centered and each line has a prescribed number of syllables so that the poem takes the […]

  42. She Writes says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  43. Amity says:

    Nice lesson from you dear…:)

    I will try my hand on it someday soon!

    And the message is very beautiful…joy could only grow strong through our desire to love!

  44. Emmanuel says:

    I just learnt this. Educative..

  45. Petty Witter says:

    Just to let you know I’ve posted your details. Cara is having some kind of poetry contest over at her blog (theres a link on my site) if you are interested.

  46. wordwand says:

    well done marinela, a lovely poem.Nice to link joy and love .

  47. Ramesh Sood says:

    Mentor one
    With least effort
    Incredibly wonderful

  48. Ramesh Sood says:

    Hi Marinela,

    Has been traveling on your birthday.. Here’s wishing you a belated Happy Birthday.. you know birthday is a reminder that we are growing up yet it is equally a reminder to resolve that we would never let the child in us go away ever.. for that’s from where we get all our strength to live happily..

    Happy writing and happier sharing..

  49. I am so impressed by your poems and your blog!
    I never saw anyone who has 69 comments on their posts!
    I just realized how ignorant I was not to have heard about you earlier.

    I love when you say “I hope you will enjoy reading my poem as much as I enjoy writing them” I used the same sentence in my blog on many occasion.
    of course people are going to enjoy reading you because you write from your heart, and your writing is so pure!
    Like an angel!
    Thank you Marinela

  50. Marinela says:

    Thank you everyone so much!
    I really do appreciate your comments and the fact that you take time to read my work!
    Thanks a lot Petty for posting my details 🙂
    And Ramesh for wishing me a happy birthday!!
    Also Mirella i am so glad that you like my poetry and blog and your comment is very heart warming 🙂
    Once again thank you everyone who comments on and reads my work!
    I am very grateful!
    Marinela x

  51. RADHA says:

    Nice and simple to comprehend, and yet so much meaning! How different is this from Haiku? And you are just 14? WOW!

  52. Sarah says:

    hi sweets!

    it’s so simple yet so deep. thanks for sharing, m! i’m telling you, you’re truly talented in poetry! envy. i tried writing a poem for my boyfriend once, haha. it ended up being a mini story sorta thing? i tried. =\

    i hope you’re doing well! x

  53. Marinela says:

    Thankyou Radha and Sarah,
    It is not that different than a Haiku 😀
    Well at least you tried Sarah! 🙂

    Thank you
    Marinela x

  54. Lovely and true feelings captured in so few words, wonderful poem Marinela!

  55. Marinela says:

    Thank you, Katja and Estrella, I appreciate your kind comments 🙂

    marinela x

  56. Ji says:

    I posted the awards for May.
    please feel free to take what you want from there.

  57. The truth radiates beauty.
    Thank you for such an important insight.

  58. bob says:

    love what u wrote

  59. found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

  60. Marinela, this is my first visit to your site and I find it very informative, light and breezy. You not only write but teach. This lantern is prime. I’ll be back from time to time to continue my discovery process of your poems.

    I wish you all success in the sales of your book and more so I wish you continued growth in your writings throughout your life.

    Thank you for stopping by, reading and commenting. 🙂

  61. Very nice poems. It also looks like the way it is shaped!

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