Father Daughter Poem

by • April 30, 2010 • Dad Poems, Family Poems, Two-line PoemsComments (63)9191

Father Daughter Poem

Father Daughter Poem

Father Daughter Poem

I just decided to write a short poem to tell my father how much I really love him and how thankful I am for all the things that he has done for me. When I write for my dad, I am writing on behalf of all daughters that love their dads the same way I do πŸ™‚ Family Poems.Β Daughter to father poem

I am thankful for all your care!

Dad your wise words have stuck with me
Just like pollen sticks to a bee

I need you just like I need air
and I always know you will be there

Sometimes I make your life hell
but I know you love me just as well

So please trust me, this is true
with all my heart I do love you!

The message that I want to share
is that I am thankful for all your care!

Β© 2010 Marinela Reka

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63 Responses to Father Daughter Poem

  1. Life tips says:

    I love this poem – I have the same kind of relationship with my father. Well done. Keep up the good work.

  2. william says:

    awe this was beautiful, so nice to have people to thank xx

  3. Stan Ski says:

    You make his day… then again you probably do every day.

  4. ayu says:

    awww.this is such a thoughtful and sweet post..:D

    (p.s. check out my latest post if you have time,,.thanks :3)

  5. Yuva says:

    nice.. he would already be happy since you make him proud..
    and any love & care, attention…. is not for return but to share with others.,. pay it forward.. expand your cycle of well wishers..

    as said in spider-man– “with great power comes great responsibility”..

  6. Bob says:

    On behalf of all fathers who have daughters, thank you! And thanks also for visiting my blog! I saw the newspaper article in Albanian on your blog…are you from there originally? My wife’s parents were both from Albania, one from Fier and one from Valona (spelling?).

    I enjoyed reading some of your poems, by which I mean that I did not read all of them, not that I enjoyed some but not others. You write quite well for such a young person. Have you tried your hand at writing poems that don’t rhyme? Come back to visit my blog often!

  7. Petty Witter says:

    A lovely tribute to your dad, he must be so proud to have you as a daughter.

  8. caravanserai says:

    A daughter like you
    A proud father will smile

    Ear to ear sleeping well
    Dreaming all of his sleep

    Waking up knowing it
    The daughter will grow up

    Will she think differently?
    When time and age catch up?

    The bond should stay
    The years will come anyway

    Keep it there
    Remember the time

    A daughter like you
    A proud father will cherish

    With fading eyes
    Dreaming of the good times

    1/5/10 10.42pm take care

  9. Marinela says:

    Hello everyone
    I greatly appreciate that you always have comments on my poems! Thank you for reading πŸ˜€

    Yes Bob, I am originally from Albania πŸ™‚
    And i asked my father and he said he had visited both Fier and Vlora!
    Thank you for the comment πŸ™‚

    Caravanserai thank you for posting your poem,
    It was great keep it up πŸ™‚ I really enjoyed reading it!

    Once again thank you so much everyone!
    I am going to visit all of your blogs too!

    Warmly πŸ™‚

    Marinela xx

  10. nirmal says:

    Hi! Marinela reka,

    That was a sweeet dedication dear, for ur father, shows how loving and caring u are, also shows how loving a father is he…..loved the bond in those words…

  11. Divaa Divine says:

    this was an event – really! like a wow!
    your father must be so proud

    Life’s Events

  12. Pietro says:

    I like this poem dedicated to your father. The rhymes make it harmonic and musical.
    Happy Sunday!

  13. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. what a wonderful tribute to your Dad .. expressing your love and showing him how much you care for him .. a special message – I’m sure he was chuffed to bits and so proud of you in all you do – your wiriting and your blog and life ..

    Good for you – a happy father who will continue to smile with joy in the love of and by a daughter .. Hilary

  14. Marinela says:

    Nirmal, Divaa, Pietro and Hilary, it gives me a warm feeling reading your lovely comments today. It was a pleasure πŸ™‚

    With love marinela x x

  15. RABBITO says:

    Thanks for commenting Rabbito! o(^-^)o
    Nice poem anyway~~ ♥

    Oh yeah I’m hosting a photo contest now!
    Join it if you want to *winks*

  16. Dee says:

    This is so sweet and loving Marinela, I know your father will have a tear in his eye as he reads this.

  17. yonca says:

    What a wonderful tribute to your dad! Beautiful poem! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words. Have a great Sunday!

  18. Pu3 says:

    Hello there πŸ˜€ Your poems are very nice ;D ~…and sweett.

  19. Marcell-a says:

    thanks! what a pretty poem =D
    i wish i am a father πŸ˜€

  20. What a great poem! I wish I could write as well as you. =D

  21. Marinela says:

    RABBITO, Dee, Yonca, Pu3, Marcell-a and Shop N’ Chomp, thank you for your ongoing encouraging comments , nice to know that you enjoyed reading it πŸ™‚

    Marinela x x

  22. Martin H says:

    A heartfelt poem, Marinela. One that any father would be overjoyed to read.

    Thank you for dropping by at Square Sunshine. I appreciate it.

  23. Ji says:

    assassinate poem for your father!
    Happy May!

  24. Loved the verse from a sensitive heart. I checked out earlier posts and was very impressed. Your short, sweet style will find many admirers.The innate goodness also appealed.

  25. Thomma Lyn says:

    How precious. I loved your poem, and I so relate — I have a precious father who is and will always be dear to my heart.

  26. SandyCarlson says:

    That’s a beautiful poem to your father.

  27. Very moving, he will be touched.

  28. Windowlad says:

    Hi Marinela,

    Oh, that was such a moving poem for someone really dear to you… I know He’s so happy and proud readin’ that!!!:D

    And, thank you for your effort to extend your care, love and support to me… and yes, i’m back… after almost a month of living in distress and wretchedness… i learned to move on and for now let me thank you for everything!!!:)

    A Blessed Day!!!:D


  29. ayu says:

    @marinela : thanks for liking my poem!! i really appreciate it since youre one of my idols!

  30. lincoln says:

    wonderful post πŸ™‚ loved it

    Thanks πŸ™‚


  31. Marinela says:

    I am actually so grateful for all your your lovely and meaningful comments!
    I truly appreciate all of your time,
    And I love that my poems make other people happy.

    WOW its amazing to know that i am someones idol Ayu, You don’t get to hear that everyday! Thank you. πŸ™‚

    Again, thank you so much everyone!

    Lots of love,

    Marinela πŸ˜€ x

  32. Matt Quinn says:

    A sweet poem. Thanks for commenting on my poem too. πŸ™‚

  33. Jan says:

    What a beautiful poem!! I also read some of your other poems as well. You are very talented Marinela!! Keep it up. And I must say your site is beautiful.
    I am a father and a grandfather of 2 little girls ( 4 years old ) πŸ™‚

  34. deepa says:

    ohh that was so sweet poem..
    nice post keep blogging n thnx fr visiting my blog n cmmnt πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  35. wow. nice blog. u’ve already published books at such a young age? cool. keep it up gal. good job. kudos πŸ™‚


  36. TYWO says:

    Awww…This is so sweet.
    I love my dad.


  37. wordwand says:

    simply sensational , a nice tribute to fathers, it’s timeless.

  38. This is so sweet! I’m glad to see positive poetry. Too often, I find that poets dwell on misery. Nice job!

  39. bob says:

    good poem…very well done

  40. rachel awes says:

    lovely here too!!
    love the dad love!
    & the peacock poem below
    fans fantastic!! x

  41. Amity says:

    LOvely tribute for your Dad Marinela…and oh, I suddenly missed my own late father!

    Like you, I adore him like no one else does! Though at times I gave him tears, but I know I will still be his loving daughter…Just too sad, he left us too early!

    Thanks for sharing Marinela!

  42. Write Girl says:

    What a sweet poem…nicely written Marinela. I’m sure your dad is proud. Amazing stuff here : )

  43. ayamlin says:

    You’re still young.
    but you’re great to thank your dad.
    when I was a child, I used to take my parents for granted.

  44. Indrani says:

    Very well expressed, touching lines.

  45. Carver says:

    Beautiful poem about you and your Dad.

  46. Regina says:

    Hi there..sweet lines expressing much gratitude! Very encouraging-

  47. Sarah says:

    aww, this is too sweet. too sweet! i’m sure he’d be so happy to read what you’ve wrote.

  48. Ramesh Sood says:

    What a sweet daughter you are! Your father must be feeling blessed to have you around him. Loved your poem. Marinela, in fact, I wrote one for my daughter on her 21st birthday which I would share soon on my page. Hope you are keeping track. God bless!

  49. patti says:

    That was so sweet- I am sure he loves when you write for him!

  50. Awesome! *Dad-dicately* beautiful poem.. tQ

  51. Harshad says:

    Sweet indeed!

    I am a father of two grown up girls. I can imagine how refreshed a father’s heart will feel receiving it from a daughter.


  52. trisha says:

    this one is too beautiful, so full of love and softness for your father. he must be very, very proud of you.

    happy weekend!

  53. glittering says:

    awwww πŸ™‚ that’s beautiful!!
    thank you for popping by also! ((:

  54. A very sweet poem, I especially like the pollen image πŸ™‚

  55. One Heart says:

    This is so pretty. How beautiful for a parent to hear those words.

    Thank you for stopping by my little corner earlier.

  56. Ruby says:

    this is perfect for father’s day! wonderful! congrats to all fathers!

  57. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by shekhar suman. shekhar suman said: RT @marinelareka I am thankful for all your care! (Family Poems) […]

  58. Bruce says:

    That was so sweet- I am sure he loves when you write for him!

  59. Jan Freeman says:

    Moving words from the heart where your father will always have a place πŸ™‚

  60. Emily says:

    this one is too beautiful, so full of love and softness for your father. he must be very, very proud of you.

    happy weekend!