Earthquake Poems

by • March 12, 2011 • 5 W Poems, Earth PoemsComments (20)8438

5 W’s Earthquake Poems

Earthquake Poems

Earthquake Poems

I am very sorry to hear about the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, my heart goes out to all the victims.

Who, What, Where, When, Why:

There is a larger force than us

Earth is violent, breaking hearts
Shattering lives furiously
Where the land is fragile
My soul was fast asleep
There is a larger force than us

© 2011 Marinela Reka

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20 Responses to 5 W’s Earthquake Poems

  1. Jeeves says:

    Indeed sad moment. Nothing can handle nature’s fury

  2. Daisy says:

    Such a tragedy…
    wonderful words.

  3. Pietro says:

    A terrible catastrophe. Nice and heartfelt verses, Marinela.

  4. David King says:

    So true, and well spoken.

  5. LilyS says:

    Beautiful poem, it makes me sad to think what is happening to the world.

    Thanks for visiting my blog

  6. lolamouse says:

    timely and sad but beautiful words. thank you.

  7. Brevity of words to describe long-term disaster. Bravo!

  8. Leslie White says:

    “My soul was fast asleep” …a beautiful line appropriately placed, Marinela.

  9. Well stated.
    It is tragic.
    Though the brutality of nature was here long before we were born and will live long after we are gone.
    Just so sad it had to take lives with it

  10. Petty Witter says:

    A wonderful reminder that the earth is indeed violent. A glowing tribute to the people of Japan, thank you.

  11. dustus says:

    A well done progression to what I think a truism in your final line. Props to you writing about the effects of this tragedy.

  12. I love your poem and your blog. The earthquake in Japan is such a great tragedy. Susie

  13. Wanda says:

    It saddens me to think of what future generations are going to be left with!

  14. Scotti says:

    Profound and timely. You have beautiful poems.

  15. […] 3.Who, What, Where, When, Why by Marinela Reka […]

  16. […] Who, What, Where, When, Why by Marinela Reka […]

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