Poem about Wishes

by • October 10, 2011 • Rhyming Poems, Two-line PoemsComments (23)5629

Poem about Wishes

Poem about Wishes

Poem about Wishes

I Wish For You

Here are all the things I wish for you
Hope magically helps you to get through

Joy and abundance stay by your side
Forgiveness and wisdom be your guide

Health and wealth with you forever impart
Generosity and kindness always in your heart

Love and happiness in your soul and others
Peace and harmony with your sisters and brothers

© 2011 Marinela Reka

Poems about Wishing

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23 Responses to Poem about Wishes

  1. Paul says:

    Nice sentiments Marinela. If only humanity would aspire to the same ideology. Very wise words and a great poem. Keep those verses coming :o)


  2. London says:

    Your written words have such a peaceful feel.

  3. Crystal Mary says:

    Beautiful!!! Such a blessings of love. Thank you. Crystal Mary

  4. Yvonne says:

    Dear Marinela
    It’s a very nice post!
    Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog.
    I wish you a happy week and send you a lot of greetings from Switzerland.

  5. Ramesh Sood says:

    Lovely writing Marinela.. Thanks for a wonderful wish.. same to you, dear…

  6. Hi Marinela, what a lovely and uplifting poem, it was a definite pleasure to read this afternoon. Take care.

  7. Susannah says:

    What a wonderful wish! I love it and I wish the same for you. 🙂 x

  8. You have so many poems on your website. I look forward to reading through them. This poem you wrote holds so much optismism and has a utopian view of life. Although I’ve only visited your blog a few times I’ve decided to nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

  9. ayala says:

    sweet and uplifting!

  10. Pietro says:

    A fine poem with great sentiment, Marinela!

  11. Very beautiful, heart warming poem!

  12. Hope says:

    this is so beautiful! 🙂 a perfect wish for a birthday, wedding etc.

    lovely indeed!

  13. That was really sweet 🙂

  14. Dimple says:

    Touchy and beautiful… 🙂

    Gd day!

  15. Amin says:

    Hello! BEAUTIFUL!

  16. jyoti mishra says:

    Really loved the last verse !!

  17. That’s a wonderful wish – shall share this with a million others !

  18. ruchi jain says:

    So positive, like the way of flow of your words.

  19. Gauri Mathur says:

    It reminded me of one of my creations! 🙂

    Nicely written!

    And your blog template is good too!! 🙂 🙂

  20. Gauri Mathur says:

    It reminded me of one of my creations! 🙂

    Nicely written!

    And your template is good too! 🙂

  21. Pietro says:

    Very nice, Marinela. I’ve really enjoyed this poem!

  22. Stafford says:

    Hi Marinela, seems you are looking for kindness in this world with these last two poems. It is there because people like you create it as you go.

  23. You write beautifully, Marinela! Very meaningful lines! Nice to know you!

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