poem about words, marinela reka

by • November 23, 2011 • Moral PoemsComments (14)9370

Words Poems

Words Poems

Words Poems

Sometimes The Less Said Is More


They make us and they break us
Can be a disease or a cure
Some of us have no limit on them
Whereas others are hungry for more

In some situations, just one word
Can bring peace and harmony
Other times misunderstandings
Lead each other to tragedy

Even though words are a blessing
They are a disease as well as a cure
They are to be used kindly, but remember
Sometimes the less said is more

© 2011 Marinela Reka

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14 Responses to Words Poems

  1. Sometimes the less said is more….. simply beautiful, love it!

  2. Wonderful expressions on words, Marinela! They indeed have the power to heal or wound us, so we must always be as selective as possible 🙂 The last line is a perfect clincher and so very true!

  3. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. so true .. think before we let a word out – hold off for a breath or two to rethink our choices … The Less Said is More – great post and poem .. thank you – have a lovely weekend .. Hilary

  4. Petty Witter says:

    Brilliant, this could have been written for me as, well known for using 50 words when 10 will do, family and friends sometimes have to remind me that sometimes the less said is more.

  5. Ramesh Sood says:

    Half the problems of the world can be resolved or will cease to exist if every human being ins bestowed with this wisdom…Marinela.. your talent is amazing.. and indeed you a are a rare thinking soul.. God bless you!!!

  6. Fantastic..very true 🙂

  7. Ilse says:

    Beautiful Blog! xx

  8. Pietro says:

    Very beautiful, Marinela. It’s so true, words are something magic, they can be white or black, positive or negative, and so on.
    Happy Sunday!

  9. The less said is most often more. Very true, but sometimes hard to do.

  10. kalai says:

    very well said buddy… so true..

  11. p chakkaravarthi says:

    A word is powerful then man-ur poem so amazing

  12. Leslie White says:

    Love this poem reminding us to mind our words, Marinela.

  13. JaNayB says:

    So true! As a writer, I sometimes feel that love/hate relationship with words, especially when it comes to having to cut words out (I tend to be very wordy). But, I wanted to say, I really enjoy reading your blog and your poetry! Keep up the good work.

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