Rictameter Poem

by • February 10, 2012 • Love Poems, Poetry Workshop, Valentine PoemsComments (12)6469

Rictameter Poem

Rictameter Poem

Rictameter Poem – Valentines Day

New poetry form

This poetry forms consists of nine lines altogether. It is very short and easy to write, as well as a beautiful form of poetry.

The first line = 2 syllables (same as line 9)
The second line = 4 syllables
The third line = 6 syllables
The fourth line = 8 syllables
The fifth line = 10 syllables
The sixth line = 8 syllables
The seventh line = 6 syllables
The eight-line = 4 syllables
The ninth line = 2 syllables (same as line 1)

As it is nearly Valentines Day, I wrote a Rictameter about Love. I hope you enjoy it, you should try to create your own.

Rictameter Poem Example 

Valentines Day

To love
Some say it’s hard
But I think otherwise
Love is the easiest feeling
No need to hide it, express it with pride
Its a kiss, a hug or a smile
It’s hidden in our eyes
Nothing compares
To love

© 2012 Marinela Reka

Rictameter poems

Rictameter poem examples

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12 Responses to Rictameter Poem

  1. Petty Witter says:

    And the layout is nice.

    Another verse perfect for Valentine’s Day, thanks for sharing it.

  2. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. looks great – but I love your words and I had no idea that there was such a thing as a Rictameter poem .. thanks so much for telling us .. fun to read ..

    You’ve said it true ….. cheers Hilary

  3. Fiona says:

    WoW! Another form of poetry I’ve never known about until now! Lovely poem and I’d like to try creating my own sometime. I’ll kindly give to you and your site for the inspiration 🙂 Happy ♥ Day in advance!

  4. Fiona says:

    give *credit – oops!

  5. Pietro says:

    Fine poem for Valentine’s Day, Marinela, with a thrilling metric pattern!

  6. tyler says:

    WoW cool poem

  7. Petty Witter says:

    Too true. Just as a real smile lights the eyes then so true love is reflected in them.

  8. Matthew says:

    Simple, direct and to the point – I think your poem matches the form and works well.

  9. Zardy Chess says:

    Thanks for the tip. Beautiful poem. I’m going to try this out sometime. It seems very interesting and perhaps not as hard as I first thought it’d be 🙂

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