Mother Daughter Poem

by • May 25, 2015 • A Mother's Love, Family Poems, Mother PoemsComments (9)9901

Mother Daughter Poem

Mother Daughter Poem

Your advise is gospel to my ears

First of all, mother, I apologize
and we both know that this is true
that many moons have been and gone,
since I’ve written a poem for you.
It makes me sad, it frightens me
and it truly breaks my little heart,
that life will not freeze time for us
but is demanding we be apart.
Be apart but never grow apart
because of no distance in all the land
can stop your heart from feeling my pain
and my skin from holding your hand.
If one day I become just half the mother
that you have always been,
my daughter will have a soul like an angel
and self-value like a queen.
Your smile makes me instantly rich
your advice is gospel to my ears
and when I am stupid enough to hurt you
nothing scares me more than your tears.
I’m sorry that I am growing up so fast
why are years passing like days?
One thing that will never change with time;
I will be your baby always.
This poem is now coming to an end
but poetry is our tradition for sure
So no matter what is happening in life,
your present will be a poem forever more

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9 Responses to Mother Daughter Poem

  1. Srimanju says:

    nice one.. #WUVIP

  2. My daughter died at 34. My mama at 34.had to give up the only baby girl she would ever have. I long to have a poem…or something that means older sons are moving on…she left two boys Luke fixing to be 16 in August. Jake will be turning 10 this month. Sincerely, Susan Johnson

  3. Angie says:

    Hi lily, don’t know if you still remember me. You were still a little girl when I met you at your home in London. Now you became a writer. I love your poems. You are such an amazing girl. Congratulations.

  4. Marinela says:

    Hi Angie, yes I remember very well 🙂

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