Poem about month of may, marinela reka poems

by • May 16, 2010 • Acrostic Poems, Rhyming Poems, Seasons Poems, Spring Poems, Triplet PoemsComments (47)31653

Poem about Month of May

May Poem – Acrostic Poems

May Poem – Acrostic Poems

An acrostic poem about a month of may

May, you have reason to be really proud

Marvellous delicate petals flying in the air
Amazing colorful flowers here and there
Yellow bright sun makes the cold disappear

May, you have reason to be really proud
Among your time, beautiful birds sing so loud
Young children playing games in a big crowd

Most enjoyable month of the long year
Alive is our heart in this atmosphere
Yes, I do not want you to ever disappear

© 2010 Marinela Reka

Poem about month of may

Poem about Month of May

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47 Responses to Poem about Month of May

  1. Evalinn says:

    Simple and nice! 🙂

  2. Life tips says:

    Keep up the great work, I love your writing.

  3. Ramesh Sood says:

    Hi Marinela,

    Here I am with my comment on this beautiful poem for OSI

    Magnificent words bloomed
    And flowers got woven
    Yesterday is forgotten in this moment

    My God your poem
    Absolutely beautiful fills me with
    Youthful and positive energy

    Marinela you are truly gifted
    A blessing , a rare talent
    Yes, Yes and yes to you writings..

    You know Marinela , I always learn from you and immediately try..

    God bless!

  4. Marinela says:

    Thank you for the lovely comments everyone, glad that you liked my poem. 🙂
    Ramesh thank you for the lovely poem about me 😀
    I am very grateful,
    Marinela x

  5. deadpoet88 says:


    Lovely and sweet poem you have here. I like how you start each line with one of the letters in “May”.

    You have a nice blog here.

    Thank you for the comment, I appreciate it. 🙂

    Keep writing!


  6. william says:

    this was lovely, summery, enlightening, well written poem xx

  7. Desiree says:

    Well written poem!

  8. SandyCarlson says:

    That’s very lovely. Thanks for adding to the beauty of the day.

  9. Diana says:

    You are amazing! I adore your poems:)
    Have a great Sunday my dear!

  10. tammy says:

    Lovely and a recipe for joy

  11. Dee says:

    this is wonderful Marinela – May is one of my favorite months!

  12. Tumblewords says:

    Ah, very lovely!!

  13. rebecca says:

    You are very gifted with words.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  14. indigo says:

    I am so happy that spring has sprung!

  15. Windowlad says:

    Hi Marinela,

    I think you have portrayed it very very wonderfully… and the words just fits the photo attached to it… great job!!!:)


  16. Pietro says:

    Such a beautiful poem, Marinela. I really like it! And I like your blog as well!
    Very nice the rhymes: A-A-B / C-C-C / B-B-B
    I wish you a happy new week 🙂

  17. Jonny says:

    Beautiful poem Marinela! Keep up the good work! I am hoping to read some more of your new work! I cannot wait for your next poem.

  18. Leo says:

    hi Marinela, lovely poem indeed.. you are very talented. i could somehow relate it with tremble, but not for recipe(ss prompt)..

    thanks for following my blog, and am reciprocating the same 🙂

  19. Petty Witter says:

    Thats May summed up so beautifully, I can’t wait for June.

  20. Sarah says:

    everytime i drop by, i just really am amazed at your talent! if you’d given me MAY, i wouldn’t be able to write so well like you did. that’s talent right there, sweetie! great work! x

  21. blommer22 says:

    sweet…!!! 🙂

  22. Neer says:

    Very nice collection of variety of poems…..I would love to come here again…..

  23. patti says:

    I love May as well and you reminded me of all the reasons I do!

  24. I, too, love the Month of May and hate to see it leave! Nicely done.

  25. Leslie White says:

    Beautiful month and the poem is too! You are very talented Marinela.

  26. tim says:

    wow, that is awesome! it is a spirit of being free… May your life be full of love and success. The poetry makes the world wonderful.. I am lucky that you visit my blog.. I would love to add you my new friend. You are great!

    thank you for visiting my blog!

    God bless us!

  27. What a truly delightful way to describe May, by writing a poem. I feel the aliveness in the colour of that redness and its strong link to May in your thoughtful words. Your picture is very beautiful. 🙂 Happy May to you, keep enjoying it.

  28. wordwand says:

    well written marinela ; your poem is as swet as spring.

  29. jingle says:

    8 awards on the bottom,
    please feel free to choose,
    too many friends,
    if they don’t show up regularly,
    I may overlook.
    love the image in your post.

  30. Bea Sempere says:

    Hello Marinela,

    I like this poem. You use different words to express your thoughts about springtime.

    It’s nice to see another poet. Congratulations on your book.


  31. Amity says:

    beautiful poem as always Marinela…:)

    pls visit…:)

  32. geeta says:

    Wonderful poetry ..loved reading it..


  33. Travis says:

    Thanks for cruising by my poetry place. I enjoyed your May poem.

  34. Tammie says:

    This is quite lovely.

  35. M. Lawyer says:

    What a truly delightful way to describe May, by writing a poem. I feel the aliveness in the colour of that redness and its strong link to May in your thoughtful words. Your picture is very beautiful. Happy May to you, keep enjoying it.

  36. I finally found your blog through your Twitter profile. Thank you for joining mine 🙂 Your poem is so in tune to May and the Spring season in general. It is my favorite time of year. The rhyme and description are delicate and picturesque. A delight to read.

  37. PS: I added you to my blog list since I don’t do Twitter.

  38. he HolyLama says:

    A beautiful poem. The season differ so much across the planet. For you, May is beautiful while for us, it means sweltering heat, scarcity of water in parts of the country.

  39. Marinela says:

    Hello everybody 🙂
    Its lovely to know that you all like the beautiful month of may 🙂
    Today the birds are singing and the sun in shining and I am grateful for living in such a beautiful world.
    Thank you all so much for the delightful comments and I want you to know that I appreciate every single one.
    Also I am glad that you also liked the photo 😀
    Marinela. x.

  40. Ji says:

    welcome to Thursday Poets Rally week 20,
    comment to let me know,
    post a poem in your blog,
    visit and comment for 12 participants,

  41. Heh I am literally not only comment to this incredible poem?

  42. bob says:

    nice one

  43. Jingle says:

    three poetry awards,
    two general awards,
    Thank you for the invaluable contribution in Thursday Poets Rally week 20.
    U Rock!

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  45. InsattyGync says:

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