Eulogy Poem

by • September 13, 2010 • Eulogy Poems, Sad PoemsComments (13)5856

Eulogy Poem

Eulogy Poem

Eulogy Poem – Funeral Poems

Now that you are gone

Now that you are gone
I regret that with my tender eye:
I didn’t embrace your gentle smile
But I just let it pass me by

Now that you are gone
I wish that when you hugged me,
I filled my lungs with your sweet scent
Instead of moaning awfully

Now that you are gone
I wish that your love I didn’t slaughter
Because you treated me so well
As a friend and a granddaughter

Now that you are gone
I know how much time we did spend
And I understand that every beginning
Must always have an end

© 2010 Marinela Reka

Eulogy poems for Grandfather

Eulogy poems for Grandfather

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13 Responses to Eulogy Poem

  1. Travis says:

    This has a melancholy feel to it. Well done.

  2. Ramesh Sood says:

    Oh, it’s so sad.. I can feel the pain..

    I have written on the OSI prompt ‘The Passing’… talking about the need to document it..and find that you have documented the passing of a grand parent so well..

    God bless! Take care, girl..

  3. Boonie says:

    This is very gripping. Thanks for sharing it.

    All the best, Boonie

  4. Petty Witter says:

    Sentiments I can certainly identify with, thanks for sharing.

  5. Rajat says:

    why only losing do we realize the importance of the person we have lost?

  6. Nessa says:

    Regrets are very hard to live with.

  7. Raajii says:

    Now that you are gone – I m all too familiar with this and I wish I weren’t.

  8. Leslie White says:

    Beautiful poem, Marinela. Grandmas have a way of knowing you love them regardless of what a grandchild may regret once they are gone. No regrets just beautiful memory. Once again a very feeling poem.

  9. Pietro says:

    Great feeling and great sadness in this intense and harmonius poem, Marinela.

  10. Deeptesh says:

    Beautiful n sweet. Enjoyed it. Drop by. I hv a new poem. Hope u r doing well.


  11. Marinela says:

    Hello everybody 🙂
    Thank you for your supportive comments. They are much appreciated!
    Yes it is sad that we notice what we had once it is gone!
    I will drop by all of your blogs soon 🙂
    Once again thank you so much!

  12. dustus says:

    Very touching poem, Marinela. *sigh* reminds me of my relationship with my grandmother and her last days.

  13. Bodhirose says:

    Isn’t that the truth–sad to say, we don’t always appreciate someone until they’re gone from our lives…

    Touching and reflective.

    Gayle ~

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