Lantern Poems

by • June 11, 2010 • Lantern Poems, Onomatopoeia PoemsComments (17)10235

Lantern Poems

Lantern Poems are short poems and always fun to write if you like poetry then you will surely enjoy reading and writing them. 🙂


drip drop drip
making us so


Whirls around
Swoosh against us

 © 2010 Marinela Reka

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17 Responses to Lantern Poems

  1. Travis says:

    I remember creating these when I was in school. They are a great way to get kids to try to create images with language.

  2. bob says:

    nice one

  3. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. love the raindrops poem .. I always remember the song and film “Raindrops keep falling on my head” for the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid film ..

    Have a great summer weekend .. Hilary

  4. Petty Witter says:

    I had never heard the term lantern poem before, thanks for the information. Short but sweet, I loved todays post.

  5. Very nice. I like your approach to experimenting with different forms. Some writers may find them intimidating. Keep up the good work.

  6. Life tips says:

    Very well done Marinela. I enjoy reading your poetry. You have a great gift girl!

  7. Leslie White says:

    Beautiful poem on the moment.

  8. Marinela says:

    Thank you everyone for your lovely comments 🙂

    Marinela x

  9. bob says:

    Very good poem Marinela.

  10. Jingle says:

    love rain in spring!

  11. Jingle says:

    two poetry awards,
    4 general blogging awards for you.
    Thank you for the contributions on poetry and blogging friendship.

  12. lisaschaos says:

    Very fun! I am very tired of rain, lol.

  13. Valuable poetry. Lucky me I found your site by accident, I love it.

  14. Sandra (if) says:

    I can feel that Marinela!

  15. Marek says:

    Nice poem. I like poetical short pieces.

    Summer regards – Marek

  16. Jackie says:

    It really is nice poem and I like that it is quite simple and short. Like in minimalism a bit.

  17. Nice poem. I love short forms and lantern poems are particularly enjoyable. I’m currently writing a few which will be published on my website soon.

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