Bullying Poem

by • June 7, 2010 • Bullying Poems, Feeling Poems, Freestyle PoemsComments (32)12003

Bullying Poem

Bullying Poem

Bullying Poem – Feeling Poems

You are not worth my tears

You may have hurt me a few times
In the long and faithful years
But now my heart will not shatter because
you’re not worth my tears

Or maybe you have accused me
And saying words that hurt my ears
But I am strong enough to know
that you’re not worth my tears

You may have abused my heart
more than it appears
But I know there will be others
So your not worth my tears

But thanks for helping me conquer
All of my emotional fears
And helping realize the truth
That you are not worth my tears

You may be surprised to know
that all I say is cheers
Never have you, or will you
Be worth my precious tears

© 2010 Marinela Reka

Bullying Poem

Bullying Poem

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32 Responses to Bullying Poem

  1. Travis says:

    This piece has a great attitude.

  2. Marcus Hades says:

    Very emoted … struck a chord for me.

    Good stuff!! Keep it up MR

    – Marcus

  3. D.S. Lear says:

    Sometimes I wonder if anyone truly understands the true cost of another’s tears. Very well written. I especially can relate to “said words that hurt my ears.”

  4. Viola says:

    This is a beautiful poem, and it flowed so easy as I read from line to line. A great talent you have.

  5. wordwand says:

    a strong poem, full of emotion , self-esteem and assertion of dignity; well written Marinela ( as usual ).
    thanks for putting my’re so sweet.

  6. Sam Liu says:

    A beautiful poem, suffused with the most heartfelt emotion and feeling. It is excellently written and has a calming and brilliant rhythm. You’ve illustrated an acute wisdom and self-awareness in this great piece of writing.

  7. Ramesh Sood says:

    First, thanks Marinela..for the visit and beautiful comments on my post..

    Tears are precious jewels..we are not supposed to give away for those who don’t knowing this at your age is indeed amazing.. very well expressed emotions.. Marinela..may the enllightenment always stay..

  8. SandyCarlson says:

    I have protested too much in this way–only to realize I had spoken the truth I would not hear.

  9. Tumblewords says:

    Precious words and thoughts!

  10. Karan A says:

    Thats an optistic and courages feeling amidst sadness! Good one 🙂

  11. Raaji says:

    well said. I need to tell myself that 🙂

  12. Petty Witter says:

    Struck a chord with me as well. How many times when I was younger could I have uttered these very words.

  13. Jingle says:

    brave and beautiful words.
    well done!

  14. Pietro says:

    The feelings and the thoughts are really well expressed in this charming and intense poem.
    Have a pleasant day, Marinela!

  15. bob says:

    nice one

  16. Life tips says:

    Love this one Marinela, keep up your amazing creative work!

  17. Hi ,

    A very nice read ! you writes amazing poetry the flow and everything so in tandem ..

    Thanks for visiting mine blog-sphere …

    Have a great week ahead …

    With love


  18. rainboy says:

    good poem and the image at the end suited to perfection. 🙂

  19. william says:

    we all suffer in life sweetheart, beautifully written xx

  20. Amy Tate says:

    Good stuff! I love your attitude and emotion. You show just enough of both – there is a good mix of “you hurt me” with “but I’m o.k. now.” You have a good sense of rhythm too!

  21. Sneha says:

    very well expressed.
    Like the attitude and the flow.:)

  22. Leslie White says:

    Sounds like someone knocking on the door of survival after being hurt by another. Nice thought, Marinela.

  23. Dido says:

    that was wonderful marinela 🙂

  24. Marinela says:

    Hey everyone x
    Thanks so much for all of this encouragement and believe me it is truly appreciated. I am glad that my poems are able to relate to you.
    Once again, thank you so much for the comments.
    Kind regards,
    Marinela x

  25. Thats d attitude needed sometimesto move forward in life…m happy u hv tat…
    nice poetic expression….:P

  26. The refrain or repetition works so well, a form on it’s own almost like a Pantoum, like singing a song. Glad to have known your site. I’ll be a regular visitor from now on. Keep it up.

  27. My cousin recommended this poetry side and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  28. keshav says:

    Powerful…but think this

    “Not worth your anger”
    “Not worth your pity”
    “Not even worth a thought”

    Indifference – the final closure.

  29. Sue says:

    I like this one! And the art that goes with it.


  30. nn says:

    definitely what i’m feeling right now! first time here. love at first sight <3

  31. Blackcat says:

    That’s what I need! Thanks very much.

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