Symphony Poem

by • May 31, 2010 • Feeling Poems, Freestyle Poems, Life Poems, Music PoemsComments (32)23812

Symphony of life poem

Symphony Poem

Symphony Poem – Symphony of Life Poem

This is a short poem about life, a symphony of life.

A Symphony of life!

Every single note
Is a second of our day
The symphony so sweet
Makes our worries float away

Legato and staccato
The moods of you and me
the blood in our body
flows like a melody

Every word out our mouths
so sweet and precise
the quick sharp tunes
Freeze you like ice!

Blues, classical and hip-hop
all pleasure they give
every sound proves that
with music we live!

© 2010 Marinela Reka

symphony of life poem

symphony of life poem

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32 Responses to Symphony of life poem

  1. Windowlad says:

    Oh, That was truly admirable Marinela… you have just did it so right… well done!

    Take care!:)


  2. wordwand says:

    you’re really amazing; when music and love intertiwne, beauty is apparent.well done reka.

  3. Life tips says:

    This a great poem, keep up the good work. Love your poem.

  4. Bea Sempere says:

    Great poem for those we keep in memory.

  5. Travis says:

    One art form extolling the virtues of another. Nicely done.

  6. bkmackenzie says:

    you said in the last stanza – we truly live with music, I love to write with music playing it lets the words flow like the melody… so happy you found my other site too – A Wonderland of verse – I need to clean it up a bit since I changed the background…there are other posts on there — do love children’s verse… you do……blessings to you….bkm

  7. L.L. Barkat says:

    Legato and staccato,
    the moods of you and me.

    I like the idea of expressing a relationship in musical terms.

    thanks for stopping by Seedlings in Stone! 🙂

  8. bob says:

    very nice

  9. Hi there..
    music indeed seems to be woven into the fabric of humanity! Nice lines here and they flow nicely! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  10. Jingle says:

    perfect poem,
    when music and love are one, which is divine!

  11. well written poem. Im glad that I could find more info on this. thanks

  12. Abigail says:

    love reading your poems!!


    Thanks for stopping by little blog space!

    God Bless ~*

  13. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. love the description of Symphony .. and the fact it’s a complete name for itself .. thank you – Hilary

  14. Ramesh Sood says:

    Musical poetry, this.. of love of living…beautiful.. every note… of note.. Marinela.. hey, my comment, this one time, isn’t a poem.. for it’s a song and while putting it here I am singing..keep creating magic.. thanks!

  15. Petty Witter says:

    How very true. A very clever post.

  16. What a very good-looking blog!

  17. Pietro says:

    Very nice and creative poem, Marinela. I can hear a soft music through these lovely quatrains.
    Happy Wednesday!

  18. Debby says:

    I read some of your poems, you have a way with words, and a beautiful spirit! So much talent…you’ll go far!

  19. Amy says:

    wonderful writing.. Thanks for stopping by today..

  20. Marinela says:

    Thank you everyone for the inspirational comments.
    I got the idea to write this poem when I was sitting on my bed and no matter how hard I tried to concentrate I could hear one sound or another. And to me sounds are classified as music.
    So I am glad that everyone liked my poem and thanks for the support!
    With love,
    Marinela x

  21. D.S. Lear says:

    Perfect harmony!

  22. Jingle says:

    How are you?
    Happy Thursday!
    If you wish to attend the Rally, you can still do it…
    Best wishes!

  23. Dee says:

    Lovely poetic song Marinela!

  24. Shas says:

    Good one. Your words flowed well with the melody 🙂

  25. DCW says:

    Do you intend to set this to music? Or perhaps you already have.

  26. Marcus Hades says:

    You rock Marinela… Keep it up.

    Thanks for following me on my blog. Its a pleasure and privilege to have you as my reader.


    Marcus Hades

  27. Jingle says:

    award, check out details yourself…
    Happy Wednesday!

    thank you for the mention of my poor poetry.
    Have a smiling moment!

  28. wpolscemamymocneseo says:

    You got a really useful blog. I have been here reading for about an hour. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me.

  29. Jinan says:

    I loved your writing.. Keep up the good work..:)

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