Forgiveness Poem

by • October 1, 2011 • Moral PoemsComments (44)37326

Forgiveness Poem

Forgiveness Poem – Feeling Poems

Forgiveness Poem

An angel named Forgiveness
Traveled from mind to mind
Teaching people how to move forward
And leave the past behind
She reminded them of their regrets
Taught that perfection is rare
And humanity makes mistakes
Despite their love and care

She tried to stay strong; hold her ground
But she was just not that tough
Soon to be replaced by anger and grudges
Because sorry was no longer enough
Forgiveness was soon out of the picture
As revenge suddenly became right
But she still traveled from mind to mind
Convincing them to see the light

© 2011 Marinela Reka

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44 Responses to Forgiveness Poem

  1. This poem is absolutely beautiful! It comes at the right time, because I really needed to be reminded of the love that is forgiveness. Sometimes, it’s challenging to forgive a person who has hurt you in some way…but it is absolutely necessary to forgive in order to move forward in life. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem!

  2. Regina says:

    What a lovely image of roses to remind us of glue for the foundation! Thank you:)

  3. Kenneth Hyam says:

    These poems and photographs go straight to the key issues of how we live and how we are, on our planet. They seem to me like songs of innocence and experience in the mode of William Blake and the photographs go very well. Beautiful.
    Thanks for visiting my poem blog. I always appreciate your comments.

  4. London says:

    Nice one! Very powerful and evoked several images and emotions..

  5. Paul says:

    Fantastic poem Marinela, forgiveness vs anger/ revenge, its a hard one as we are all built so differently. Beautifully written and i’ll definitely be back to check out your other poems. If its ok with you i’ll also add your website address to my poetry blog (if thats ok :o) ?

  6. So beautiful, Marinela, forgiveness is just as you described it here, like an angel

  7. Pietro says:

    Very fine poem, Marinela. Forgiveness sometimes is difficult, but always so sublime.

  8. Rahul says:

    Nice toughts about forgiveness

  9. Kalyan says:

    lovely words…nicely crafted lines!

  10. Ramesh Sood says:

    remember what Mark Twain said, “Forgiveness is the fragrance that a violet sheds on the heel that crushes it.”

    Well done picked up a sbuject very close to my heart.. keep visiting..

  11. This poem is pretty amazing…one of my favorites from your work…Intriguing and unwavering

  12. Vyankatesh says:

    Beautiful words to convey the goodness of forgiving!!

  13. Petty Witter says:

    Such wonderful words. To be able to forgive is such a gift, to be unable to forgive, in many ways, a torture that only really hurts the person unable to forgive.

  14. HI Mari,
    your poems are insights to the positive life which still somehwere chases away the negativities present in us.

    The lesson of forgiveness the angel taught
    is condemned always by the Satan’s thought
    The more the angel will try to enlight
    The more the Satan will capture the night
    So..Its upto the humans to follow the lesson
    to fan the agony or throw the weapon,
    as to choose between them what is right
    whether to forgive the other or let the revenge bite.

    Love Naqvee♥

  15. Very nice piece and I like the picture with it as well.

  16. Nikki says:

    Hi, I’m not sure how you found my site? But i’m glad you came by, thanks so much for leaving your comment.
    You write wonderful poems! I’ve really enjoyed reading some and will be back to see you again.
    Have a great weekend too.

  17. Cee says:

    Lovely thoughts, lovely words, nonetheless, lovely poem! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Cynthia says:

    Lovely spiritual poem, written with a loving delicate touch.

  19. penpusherpen says:

    forgiveness and being able to forgive says so much about us as Human Beings…. Lovely poem. Many thanks for dropping by and for your comment, much appreciated… xPenx

  20. Fred says:

    Very nice poem/tale. Good message and entertaining storyline. Very nicely done, thanks for sharing

  21. Simple words with feelings inside. I loved this good work… Waiting for more. 🙂

  22. Kristi says:

    Beautiful poem! I loved the reminder that Forgiveness is always around…just waiting for us to choose allow her in.
    I’m so glad I stopped by. Thank you for visiting me and commenting. It means a lot.

  23. poppy (Val) says:

    I just love this poem, I had to come back again today to re-read it. Thanks for your comment on my blog, it is much appreciated. I have bookmarked this page and will pop by to read some more of your lovely poems 🙂

  24. Ann says:

    Very nice. Thanks for sharing .


  25. marijke says:

    What a lovely poem and how beautiful your words are.
    Gr. Marijke

  26. Róże są piękne , jak i przebaczenie. Pozdrawiam

  27. jeanie says:

    Marinela, thanks so much for visiting Chopsticks and String and for your comment — you’re right — life is too short for bad books!

    Your poems are lovely. I’m glad I visited!

  28. ~*Fiona*~ says:

    Greetings, Marinela 🙂 I *love* your blog and your poetry is beautiful! So happy that you stopped by my blog and I thank you very much for leaving a lovely comment . . . I will be back to read more 🙂

    Best Wishes,

  29. sheila says:

    okay, I love your site! Love this and your writing!

  30. Your site is a treat! You have a host of beautiful pieces. I look forward to reading more! Thank you so much again! 🙂

  31. Andy says:

    To forgive is to be humble.
    Lovely expressions.
    I love the image.

    Thanks for sharing & for your visit/comment. Much appreciated.

    Bashful Lady

  32. Kay Salady says:

    This piece is extremely beautiful and thought provoking. What the world needs is peace, and peace begins from within the heart of the one who wishes for it. Aho!

  33. Morning says:

    love it,

    powerful message, well done.

    Happy Holidays.

  34. Debra Smith says:

    Touching………..was this written for me? Someone I love is in Heaven now. We needed to forgive and to be forgiven……waited too long to say the words that needed to be spoken. However, I’ve talked to he and God about it. I have forgiven and feel forgiven. Thank you. God Bless!

  35. ayesha ash says:

    dis poem is really very nice……
    it is so touching……

  36. nyc lyn nd heart touching poem…really

  37. Shane Pinto xD says:

    Wow! Amazing I Used This For My Project Nice Work 😀

    Warm Smiles..
    Shane xP~

  38. Shane Pinto xD says:

    I Cannot Tell You How Much I Love It <3

  39. poppy (aka Val) says:

    Beautiful words, thank you 🙂

  40. Kate says:

    Ples can I share this poem to my Fb? It’s so brilliant and needs to be shared around the world!! Powerful 🙂 xx

  41. Rajiv says:

    I like these poems very much…….It is very powerful……Beautiful words……….

  42. Easy to check out, easy to read…heck I had to leave a commment!

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