Valentines Day Riddle Poem

by • February 13, 2011 • Quatrain Poems, Riddle Poems, Valentine PoemsComments (11)5984

Valentines Day Riddle Poem

Valentines Day Riddle Poem

Valentines day riddle poem

This is a riddle poem about valentines day.

Guess what I am?

I pass by with my magic one day a year
But my tricks last forever, so have no fear
I originated from a very holy man
Guess what I am, only if you can?

© 2011 Marinela Reka


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11 Responses to Valentines Day Riddle Poem

  1. Dan says:

    St. Valentine?

  2. DCW says:

    Vexed, perhaps it is too late
    Anxious of the hand of Fate
    Love, of course, will come you
    Elegant, your heart so true
    Nothing will deter the course of
    Time that ever-pressing force
    Imagine hearts at every turn
    Not for a year will this return
    Everything is here to learn

    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Keep the love flowing from your heart and the words from the tip of your pen.

  3. Wrexie says:

    St. Valentine… ♥

    Cute blog. Your poetry and riddles are wonderful!

  4. Petty Witter says:

    Yeah, my money is also on St Valentine …… then again it could be Cupid.

  5. Marinela says:

    Well done everyone, all of your guesses were accurate! I was more describing Valentine’s Day in general! Thanks for taking part in finding the answer to my riddle! Lovely poem DCW, you are very talented!
    Thank you again everyone for supporting my work!
    Marinela 🙂

  6. I had no clue but cupid was one of my guesses.

  7. JamieDedes says:

    Well done. Happy St. V. Day!

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