Sisters love poem

by • June 14, 2010 • Family Poems, Sisters-FamilyComments (27)8318

Cute poem about sisters love

Sisters Love Poem

Sisters Love Poem – Family Poems

This is a poem for and about my sister. I Wrote this when I was 12 years old to tell my sister how much I appreciate her, and all of the things she has done, and still does for me.

I adore you so much, my sister

You are my right hand
My world, my sweetheart
In my very busy life
You are the main part

You’re my inspiration in life
You help me enjoy my youth
My only guardian angel
In you, I see only the truth

If I had just one chance
This may sound a little strange
But maybe for a day or two
Places we could change

Please be my younger sister
And I will be the older one
Just like you do to me
I will fill your life with fun

I will put up with annoying things
Things that at the moment I seem to do
Like take your perfume to school
And burn your clothes with super glue

When you get scared I will hold you
And tell you that it’s going to be fine
When you want to look good
I will let you wear clothes of mine

This is all the things you do for me
I hope you know how grateful I am
From now on to be a better sister
And I promise to do all I can

I adore you so much, my sister
I hope you believe me this is true
Quite frankly what I want to say
Is that I really do love you!

© 2008 Marinela Reka

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27 Responses to Cute poem about sisters love

  1. bob says:

    nice one

  2. Leslie White says:

    I am an older sister. You have written a very beautiful poem to your older sister, Marinela. What a beautiful gift!

  3. D.S. Lear says:

    As an older sister also this is indeed a very heartfelt tribute! Nice work!

  4. Pietro says:

    “You are my right hand
    My world, my sweet heart
    In my very busy life
    You are the main part”

    This first quatrain is really an excellent prelude to the whole beautiful poem.
    Have a great week, Marinela 🙂

  5. william says:

    beautiful, as it should be sisterly love 🙂

  6. Travis says:

    I’m an older brother of a younger sister. This is a good poem.

  7. Karan A says:

    It made me remember my elder sister and the pranks I played with her1
    I loved the poem very much!

  8. Your poem made me cry! I have a younger sister and she is the love of my life (after my husband:)
    Very nice poem Marinella!
    You are so talented.
    Take care beautiful princess 🙂

  9. wordwand says:

    lovely! A nice poem indeed.I have one sister and I love her very much , she is my second mom in a way .well done Marinela.

  10. Petty Witter says:

    What lovely words. I love my sister because she is my sister, we would never be friends if we weren’t sisters.

  11. Nensa Moon says:

    Very nice poem!!
    it’s revealed how you loved your sister…
    Thanks for showing us.

  12. Life tips says:

    Simply Beautiful.

  13. Marinela says:

    Hello Everyone,
    It is lovely to know that all of you have got such a close relationship with your sisters and have your sisters love.
    Thank you so much for the delightful comments, they really made my day.
    I am so grateful!
    Many thanks,
    Marinela 🙂

  14. Regina says:

    If we could all have sisters like this! A precious thing..nice uplifting words!

  15. Sweet and thoughtful tribute…I’m sure she enjoyed it. You have a lovely soft side. Nice work…Cheers!!!

  16. nirmal says:

    Hi! Marinela,

    so beautufully you have expressed your sweet love to your sister…..
    really sweet of you…..

  17. Windowlad says:

    You did have a wonderful tribute for your sister… i really enjoyed readin’ it… i have 2 younger sisters and their both naughty yet each made me happy in a variety of ways… thanks for sharin’ this poem!!!:)

    Good day!!!:)


  18. Deeptesh says:

    Lovely poems u have here. Will drop by for more. This one really reflects true sisterly affection!

  19. Jingle says:

    amazing job….

    please pick any awards from my post titled week 23 poetry awards…
    5 for you.

  20. dear marinela,

    of all your poems, this have touched my heart the best. i simply flat out admiring your courage to say the lovely words to your sister. it is seldom that a sibling can express that deep devotion to a brother or a sister. i have never done that so far.

    all the best to you.

  21. Laura says:

    As an older sister, I thought this was so sweet and genuine. I even showed my sister. It’s amazing the bond that can never be broken. Thank you for publishing it.

  22. swapna says:

    I have two sisters and its just wonderful to have them in life. Good one Marinela.

  23. marta walewska says:

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i have a older sis and this poem rockzzzzzzzz <3<3<3<3<3 tat is so sweettttttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  24. lavanya says:

    I have an elder sister who is very kind and lovely.I am really lucky to have a sister like her in my life.SUPERB Marinela!!!!!

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