Riddle Poems - Butterfly

by • January 3, 2011 • Poetry Workshop, Quatrain Poems, Riddle PoemsComments (21)6611

Riddle Poems – Butterfly

Riddle Poems – Butterfly

Riddle Poems – Butterfly

Riddle-poems are a great way to put your mind to work. They are not always easy to write but they help to develop your imagination. It is better for riddle-poems to be short and to the point because it becomes much more challenging for the reader. They can be about anything but try not to make the riddle-poem too obvious! Here is an example I wrote, you should try to write one!
Try to find the answer!

Who am I?

My designs are spectacular and the colours are sublime
I am an amazing creation that develops over time
It’s like there is a mirror, in the centre of me
I am used as a simile and metaphor for beauty

© 2011 Marinela Reka

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21 Responses to Riddle Poems – Butterfly

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by lbok Emmanuel. lbok Emmanuel said: RT @Poetry_By_Heart: RT @marinelareka Riddles – Riddle Poem […]

  2. bob says:

    good one….what a beautiful riddle.. I cant made out………

  3. ds says:

    Great riddle poem, Marinela. Just came by to thank you again for your visit…

  4. […] sweating is not no more than an thwarting riddle but the and a persistent nuisance which come what may can not be present cured permanently. Once […]

  5. Leslie White says:

    Cool riddle Marinela, but am going to have to think on it.

  6. Alcina says:

    Intricately and beautifully asked..but mind ain’t working..

    What is it?.. 😐

  7. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. love the riddle poem .. my guess would be the blog – but I’m sure that’s not right – because the last line doesn’t tie in ..

    No poem – way too much to do .. sorry! Cheers for now & a happy New Year .. Hilary

  8. Bikram says:

    Ok given up No idea what it is .. so tell tell what it is PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE 🙂


  9. I think it is the rainbow. Though I haven’t given much thought to it, but my brain prompted me with this answer as the best fit.

    So, how do I fare?

  10. Marinela says:

    Haha no one has guessed it so far, I will let you try a little it more then I shall tell you the answer! (: Keep trying! Thank you for all of your lovely comments!

  11. DCW says:

    How about a diamond?

    I was once like coal but then came heat
    And also pressure making life complete.
    I touch your soul; your finger greet.
    The gift of love stays forever sweet.

  12. Nila says:

    I think it’s a gangster!!

  13. Arti says:

    I cant imagine…
    getting anxious for the answer!!
    Have a Happy New Year:)

  14. Petty Witter says:

    Clever but oh so frustrating – I never get these …… even when told the answer.

  15. […] Short Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Riddles – Riddle … […]

  16. Theresa says:

    This was hard. Is it “vanity”?

  17. Pietro says:

    A very fine riddle, Marinela! I am thinking of the kaleidoscope, because it creates colorful designs and there are small mirrors in it.

  18. Sunna says:

    Ummmmmmm how about the moon or the sun?
    nice poem DCW

  19. Butterfly is likely.
    Nice riddle.

  20. Marinela says:

    Hello everyone, I thank you all for taking part and trying to find the answer to my riddle. I am pleased to say that Dr. Madan Goyal was the one to find the answer. Yes, it was a Butterfly! Well done!

    Thank you to everyone for trying, you were all so close! I loved your riddle DCW, very clever!

    Once again thank you.

    Marinela (:

  21. Michael says:

    I realy want to be carrie along into d busines of this sort plis poet n riddle writer hox do i start pleeeeeeeee………..z

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