Quatrain Poem - Sister

by • January 27, 2012 • Children Poems, Quatrain Poems, Rhyming Poems, Sisters-FamilyComments (19)6882

Quatrain Poem – Sister

Quatrain Poem – Sister – Family Poems

Quatrain Poem – Sister

This poem is for my sister. Is a very short poem about sisters love and care. The special bond between sisters comes out clearly immediately in this short verses


Sister sister with a mind so bright
You save my soul and hold it tight
You are my soul mate I know for sure
The love we share is nothing but pure

Β© 2012 Marinela Reka

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19 Responses to Quatrain Poem – Sister

  1. Hi, Marinela. Thanks for sharing your poem. I’m reading a fascinating novel about twin sisters right now, “Juliet,” which is wrapped up in the story of Romeo and Juliet.

  2. Beautiful poem and photo, often just girls enjoying their sisterhood. A joy to read and to look at!

  3. Sisterhood as it was meant for, you express this so well πŸ™‚ Your special bond makes me smile!

  4. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. family is so important .. I’d love to have a sister .. but we can have sisters in our lives .. but that family link is extra special when it’s there … lovely to read .. cheers Hilary

  5. Craig says:

    it is true – you know already a great mystery – the bond of family – and most especially of sisters – I have a bond like that with mine. But know this, life will intervene and try to separate you at times – and you may even become separated – but the bond will always be there. You’ll find each other if you get lost from each other. I have two readers of my blog that are younger than all the rest. You are one of them. There’s another one a little older than you – and both of you have wisdom beyond your years. God bless and keep you Marinela.

  6. Pietro says:

    What a fine and sweet poem, Marinela.
    Happy Thursday!

  7. Nation Tips says:

    β€˜Sisterhood is the part of my heart which will never grow old’ Soooo true πŸ™‚

  8. Petty Witter says:

    Lovely photograph, I’m taking it that this is you and your sister.

  9. Marinela says:

    yes πŸ™‚

  10. WORDWAND says:


  11. summer rain says:

    amazing sister love, enjoyed it.

  12. joe says:

    Love that picture.

  13. swapna says:

    You expressed it well, i have two sisters and share the same sentiments πŸ™‚

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