Inspirational Life Poem

by • November 20, 2010 • Inspirational Poems, Nature PoemsComments (23)10765

Poem about inspiration nature

Inspirational Life Poem

Inspirational Life Poem – Inspirational Poems

The wonders of life will slowly unwind

Being a source of beauty, easy to find
It is pointless for you to strain your mind
Only if you begin appreciating mankind
Then the wonders of life will slowly unwind

Like when the one you love looks you in the eye:
Whispers I will be here until the day you die
Or a child’s first day at school; saying goodbye
The mother peacefully waves, trying hard not to cry

When a baby opens its eyes for the very first time
And the parents hearts pound, to them its sublime!
Or when someone is desperate and turns to crime
That one person who leads them back on the right line

When you think that your life has completely backfired
But in the end you obtain exactly what you required
All the everyday elements that should be admired
Are all it takes for your heart and soul to be inspired

© 2010 Marinela Reka

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23 Responses to Poem about inspiration nature

  1. jabblog uk says:

    I think too many people strive for happiness without realising that everything they need is within reach.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Glenn Stanza and Dave and Jess, Marinela Reka. Marinela Reka said: RT @marinelareka Inspiration […]

  3. Kay Davies says:

    Marinela – I love this poem.
    Thank you for visiting my blog, and for commenting. Visitors are always welcome, especially those who take the time to comment. I appreciate it.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. i never let me real name come be displayed but i want it to be shown on ur poem here… for let them know i lived in times of merinelareka 😀

  5. life throws a soft ball every now and then, if u cant sense it then its a home run….. 😀

  6. Pietro says:

    Marinela, in this very nice poem you depict so well various aspects and shades of life, I really like these thoughts.
    Have a happy and bright Sunday!

  7. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. what a wonderful poem .. on life as a whole – so true .. the little things of life are all we need to be happy and inspired – you’re so right .. thank you – love this .. Hilary

  8. Ramesh Sood says:

    All the everyday elements that should be admired
    Are all it takes for your heart and soul to be inspired?

    Wow..Marinela… this is all what it takes.. life is not very beautiful but still it is very beautiful.. dpends on where to look at… like a choice to come to your page here makes life a lot happier and better in these moments.. keep the good work going..

  9. AR says:

    Really nice poem Marinela, I will add it to my list of favourites poems! 🙂

  10. Hindawy says:

    Awesome 😀

    This poem is an INSPIRATION 🙂

    Keep it up 😉

  11. Nimue says:

    Beautiful Verses 🙂

  12. penpusherpen says:

    loved reading this, so much truth and beauty from observing life. Pen

  13. Nomar Knight says:

    The poem in itself serves as inspiration for us all to take care of Mother Earth and treat all of its inhabitants as the fragile creatures they are. Beautiful! You are an outstanding poet. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Beautiful and inspiring!

  15. Amazing =) Inspiration is where everything start! =P

  16. I really liked this poem. I will be back to read some more! 🙂

  17. Hanieh says:

    that is realy heart caching poem

  18. xiaonan Tong says:

    Well, I really like this poem, it has been tell us all the truth. And give people felt so warm. It is really nice poem.

  19. Lydia says:

    Your poem about inspiration is an inspiration.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Yours is wonderful.

  20. David King says:

    You seem to have covered all the bases. Enjoyable.

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