Music poem

by • December 4, 2009 • About me, Children Poems, Music PoemsComments (8)6782

Music poem

Music poem

Music poem – Poem about Piano

This is a short poem about music.


As my elegant fingers stretch
I hear a sensational sound
I feel my pulse rise and my soul fly
While my feet tap on the ground

What is this magical emotion?
I feel like an angel, strangely perfect
Am I playing the piano?
No one could ever suspect

My heart tinkles and I scrunch my nose
As if I was the symphony
I stop to breathe and whip my sweat
And I wonder was that really me?

© 2009 Marinela Reka

Short poems, piano

Short poem about music

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8 Responses to Music poem

  1. […] post: Short Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Music poem Tags: all-live, Poems, same-sun, super, temper, the-same, […]

  2. Sublime…. I just want you to know, my wife’s name is Marinella. She is from southern Italy, so I was confused since we do not meet too many others with the name, spelled that way.

    I recognize toil of a Bard-ess in here. No joke. This is a fabulous find for me. I will be going through the stacks as days come and go. You’ve been writing since age 6… eh?

    I heard someone say if we write poems after the age of twenty-three… we are poets. I’m 55 this year, and still writing them as if I have a need to… for you the same? Sounds like it.

    Thank you for the compliment, and I will be having fun at your site here, at your expense, OK? Also I hang out at my friend’s site — songwriter, Boheme guitar player… do join in the commentary if you can.
    Patrick Darnell

  3. Alex says:

    WOW! Nela you never told me about your awesome website 😀 Its wicked liking the poems 😛 xxx

  4. Nayab says:

    I really love your poems. I’m actually posting one on my wall right now, as it really says all that I have to say =)

    Please do stop by sometime and take a read… would be much appreciated.


  5. sienna says:

    hi that was an awesome poem I might even share it at my school well done!!!!!!!!!!!

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