Human Hearts - Alliteration Poem

by • May 7, 2010 • Alliteration Poems, Feeling PoemsComments (58)15138

Human Hearts – Alliteration Poem

Human Hearts – Alliteration Poem

Human Hearts – Alliteration Poem

This is an alliteration poem that starts with a letter H – Alliteration Poems are lovely to read as they flow off your tongue. They can be short poems or long poems, as much as you are capable of. They can be difficult if you are unable to find subject-specific words that start with the same letter or sound. But its great fun!:) Here is an alliteration example:

Human hearts

Honest hearts having hours of
hope, harmony, and health
Heartbroken hearts happen to
handle hurtful hours
Hostile hearts holding
hate, hopelessness, and harm
Helpful hearts helping
humankind hit happiness
Hilarious hearts having
hassle-free happy hours

© 2010 Marinela Reka

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58 Responses to Human Hearts – Alliteration Poem

  1. hi marinela,

    thank you. i am so proud of your accomplishments at such a young age. you’re truly a gifted young poet.

    all the best

  2. Leslie White says:

    Your poetry is beautiful. I like that you are explaining the different kind of poems because I lack an understanding of that. I also like that your definitions are easy to understand. Another thing I like is how you have organized your blog and writing. This theme is so cool. One more thing are the illustrations. I like that you include your choice of images, here. Very impressive.
    “Human Hearts?” Love it!

  3. william says:


  4. The Aspirant says:

    a new kind of poem, nd its quite nice one…….
    first tym at ur blog, nd its quite interesting,coz gonaaa xplore many new kinds of poems……

    nd thanx fr dropping by at my blog

  5. Charlie says:

    Just loved this poem of yours…enjoyed reading it aloud…what fun…thanks!

  6. Kelvin Kao says:

    Beautiful poem. =)

  7. dan says:

    i want not
    but to be a hilarious heart
    i love your adherence to form
    as i have no such practice myself
    have written poetry of some form or another for some thirty years
    not quite long enough to be good
    at least not consistently
    perhaps you shall inspire to me to practice form

  8. my guess is you like “H”! One of my readers’ blogpages – Clytie – is solely about hearts she finds in wood, flowers,etc. most of them discarded, or on the road, etc. Good to see a poem of you!

  9. Write Girl says:

    A lovely alliteration poem. A beautiful poem and heartfelt. Nicely witten.

  10. Ramesh Sood says:

    What wealth of Warm words
    and Will to write
    Written wittingly
    Well woven, wonderful
    Worthy Work, Wow!

    Well done Marinela, you not only teach, you inspire too!
    Love your blog.. keep glowing and growing..

  11. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. it says it all .. hearts .. we love them and need to nurture them, not hurt, love them and live with them .. happy hearts living life to the full – thank you – Hilary

  12. Emmanuel says:

    You did perfectly well in this. Havent really tried writing one myself…Probably will in the nearest future.

  13. I like this poem and i like the idea .
    I might actually have a go at this

  14. dustus says:

    Great alliteration. Takes talent to make that work.

  15. Pietro says:

    Surely it’s not easy to find words starting with the same sound and compose them in a piece with a fine and interesting meaning. This poem is really beautiful.
    Happy Sunday!

  16. Lovely poem, Marinela

  17. Marinela says:

    I show such gratitude to everyone who takes time to comment!
    Talking about people who have warm loving hearts I am sure that all of you do because you make me so joyful! Your hearts are all huge and I am so thankful for all of your time!
    Many thanks 🙂
    Marinela. x

  18. Pietro I know from experience it’s not… so I also say to you Marinela this poem is really beautiful and said so much in so few words. Thanks for sharing it with me. 🙂

  19. Dee says:

    wonderful alliteration Marinela and just fun! I think I like the idea of being a hilarious heart!

  20. Stan Ski says:

    That works well. H is not the easiest of letters for this disipline.

  21. Gautam says:

    Since I check the blogworld only once in a while .. it’s always difficult to keep up wid u.. since u r so prolific.. anyways all ur recent posts r nice !!

    In b/w Inviting u to comment on my new poem ..

  22. ayu says: nice~!!! i love the diff. kinds of hearts~!!! hehehe..

    youre truly an awesome poet~ ^_^

    happy mother’s day to all the mothers in the world! ^_^
    (p.s. check out my latest post if you have time,,.thanks :3)

  23. trisha says:

    what a beauty. you have explained it so very correctly.

  24. Petty Witter says:

    Heartbroken hearts happen to handle hurtful hours – what beautiful words.

  25. Akelamalu says:

    Nice work! 🙂

  26. Linda Jacobs says:

    Love the softness the H sounds make. It’s almost like breathing or kind laughter.

  27. Evalinn says:

    Very sweet! 🙂

  28. Life tips says:

    Amazing alliteration, keep up such a great work!

  29. Nina says:

    First of all thank you for coming to my blog and comment! Comments are always fun to read! And great poem. I’ve been scrolling down, down and down and they are beautiful!

  30. marja says:

    wow that was great like a breath of fresh air. You are good

  31. hoff says:

    excellently done. love alliteration

  32. Pearl says:

    holy heck. hijinks heaped high.

  33. wordwand says:

    aliteration poems make me laugh, they are so sweet.well done marinela.your talent is immense.

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  35. Amity says:

    wow…wonderful poem about hearts…:)

    I only wish a good heart!

  36. Dew says:

    Wow! Am glad I stopped by, you write so well 🙂

  37. Jade says:

    Humans, hearts, hurt, humility… how come that among these only ‘honesty’ has a mute h?…

  38. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mirella McCracken. Mirella McCracken said: Best Poems of the week: RT @marinelareka Human Hearts (Alliteration Poem) […]

  39. Marinela says:

    To tell you the truth, you guys always make my day with your lovely sweet and thoughtful comments. I am so grateful.
    I am glad you all like alliteration poems, I guess all alliteration poems are great fun to read 🙂
    Marinela. x

  40. Windowlad says:

    Hi Marinela,

    Oh, that was great…. you’re really awesome in a variety of ways… keep up the good works and stay kind to all!!!:D

    Good day!!!:)



  41. forex robot says:

    Wow this is a great poem.. I’m enjoying it.. good one.

  42. Ashlee says:

    I would just like to say thank you for reading my poetry. Your poems are amazing and are filled of emotion. Well done. Ash xxx

  43. Thank you for your visit to APOGEE Poet. Such a delight to connect here! Love your poetic flair… inspired for sure. Let us stay connected.

    Best to you with every word,
    Rose Marie

  44. deadpoet88 says:

    Amazing piece you have here, I have always wanted to write an Alliteration, but have been unsuccessful so far. You are a very talented poet!

  45. […] Short Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Human Hearts (Alliteration Poem) […]

  46. […] gifted channeler named Will shares the ageless wisdom of Cosmic Awareness | RAYEDIO LoungeShort Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Human Hearts (Alliteration Poem)The Secret to Meaningful Customer Relationships « Business Yellow pagesA Young Male Needs […]

  47. What a truly delightful poem. I feel as much the happiness and cruel world through your words and see the celebration of human kindness intirwine in life so beautifully, just by the freedom and honesty it brings.
    Thank you so much for the share.

  48. […] Short Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Human Hearts (Alliteration Poem) […]

  49. Tod Landis says:

    If only more than 37 people could read this. Beautiful!

  50. bob says:

    good one

  51. Jon Grove says:

    Super great read! Honest!

  52. Joan Vance says:

    Very great writing! Really.
    Amazing poetry!

  53. Joan vance says:

    i love it

  54. K.C says:

    onli a person that knows what love feels like would be able to write a poem like this. Love it 🙂

  55. leslee says:


    how lovely the words that being used and it is somewhat like tongue twister. hehehe but it was a nice poem… like it

  56. […] Short Poems – Marinela Reka .com » Blog Archive » Human Hearts (Alliteration Poem) […]

  57. senait esayas says:

    I thought i have one heart that show one colour but now thanks for ur poem i realize that one heart can show different perception ,imagine how many times our heart changes its colour with in the day event………..o Marinela thanks i share this to my friends.

  58. Ocean Girl says:

    Hi Marinela,
    I loved your alliteration poems!
    How about this: I navigated neatly at night, never noticing nature noises and nasty nimphs.

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