Haiku - Determination

by • April 22, 2011 • Haiku Poems, Motivational Poems, Poems & Quotes, Positive ThoughtsComments (14)13504

Haiku – Determination

Haiku – Determination

Haiku poem about determination

Can make the impossible
Possible for all

© 2011 Marinela Reka

Haiku about determination, marinela reka

Haiku about determination


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14 Responses to Haiku – Determination

  1. KW says:

    This is excellent ..! What an inspiring message too .. well done .. {;o)

  2. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. absolutely – determination and acting on .. can change so many things .. what looks difficult suddenly becomes a whole lot easier ..

    Cheers – Happy Easter .. Hilary

  3. Ramesh Sood says:

    Great… and Marinela you must be knowing this but to the determined… it says… I M Possible… yes..

    God bless!!!! Keep writing.. in fact while reviewing my page at Review Tuesdays at Jingle Poetry , a kind of recognition which I rejoiced , Vinay ( Leo) has mentioned about my love for haikus.. three lines say it all.. do visit to have a look at my haikus written for Haiku My Heart.. do link it’s a lovely site hosted by Rebecca..

    it’s here..

  4. spadoman says:

    A good message for a good day. Your Haiku today speaks of wisdom.


  5. terena says:

    Yes! This one makes me want to stand up and cheer.

  6. Daisy says:

    Very true, but it also takes strength! 🙂

  7. Pietro says:

    Your Haiku is very nice, Marinela, the message is so meaningful.
    Happy Easter!

  8. It’s true: most things get done by sheer willpower. And by not procrastinating. You said this in the most positive way–thank you!
    I like the journal look of your blog! xxox

  9. Meri says:

    determination. . . intention coupled with drive?

  10. Petty Witter says:

    I think this inspiring haiku would look wonderful on t-shirts and magnets etc.

  11. rebecca says:

    thank you for sharing your inspiration. i love your inclusion of all!!!

  12. Windowlad says:

    ..short and simple but oh so true… fantastic!!!:)

    Good day!!!:)


  13. Jill says:

    SO MUCH content in SO FEW words.

  14. Gowthami says:

    Loved it…well expressed 🙂

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