Funny valentine poem

by • February 9, 2010 • Funny Poems, Love Poems, Occasion Poetry, Valentine PoemsComments (15)10357

Funny Valentines Day Poem

Funny Valentines Day Poem

Funny Valentines Day Poem – Funny Poems

Let me be your valentine

Let me be your valentine
The butter said to the bread
Joy, desire, and love
In your life, I will spread

Let me be your valentine
The milk said to the glass
I will fill you with delight
And in you, no pain will pass

Let me be your valentine
Said the cover to the bed
I will cover you with happiness
And never let you get sad

Let me be your valentine
Said the nail to the wall
I will hang my love for you
And never let it fall

Let me be your valentine
Said the frame to the photo
I will protect you forever
It is my only motto

Let me be your valentine
Said the fruit to the bowl
I make your life colorful
And bring pleasure to your soul

Let me be your valentine
Said the poem to the poet
You have made me who I am
This favor I will not forget!

© 2010 Marinela Reka

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15 Responses to Funny Valentines Day Poem

  1. Leonard Seiti says:

    Përshëndetje Marinela
    Së pari Faleminderit për komplimentin dhe mesazhin tënd në blogun tim.
    Sinqerisht desha të them, faleminderit, por kjo mbi të gjitha, për faktin që më le të të zbuloja një super talente si ty. ( ndjesë njëjësin )
    Më vjen sinqerisht mirë që gjeta websitin tënd, dhe që lexova poezitë e tua. Të falenderoj dhe të përqafoj me dashurinë e një vëllai.
    Mendoj se je më e re se unê nga ç’vura re në net, unë jam rreth të 30ave dhe nuk mendoj se kam arritur shume në poezi, por ti si më e re, ke ende rrugê për tê bërë, dhe me një talent të tillë, jam i sigurt se rruga jote do të jetë e suksesshme. Të rifalenderoj sërish dhe tê përqafoj.
    Nga Belgjika
    Me respekt
    Leonard Seiti

  2. Judy Sheldon says:

    Beautiful poetry with lovely sentiment. Thanks for sharing & happy valentine’s day!

  3. Jo Hedges says:

    Hi Marinela , I popped over to this excellent poem-blog of yours from your visit to mine. I will be back again. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful thoughts. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. French Fancy says:

    Thanks for coming to see me – and what a treat was in store when I went to see you.

  5. yvonne Lewis says:

    I really enjoyed your poems, excellently written.


  6. ayu says:

    hey thank you for your visit and i really like your blog..well..we might click..i am into poetry as well..ill be following you now and read your future poems..hope you follow mine as well..

    i can believe you were born 1996..? so youre just 14..? with these poem things..? you’re totally amazing~! :3

    ( / ・ω・)//!!!
    (P.S. if you’ll reply to this comment..pls. put it in my blog’s comment box so that i can update my comments :D)

  7. david King says:

    The best sort of Valentine – one with a sense of humour.

  8. Marinela says:

    Thank you every one. It’s always a great feeling when I read such lovely comments

    Happy Valentines Day everyone =] <3

  9. TomBereelo says:

    Hello there, Happy Valentines Day!!!

  10. jinksy says:

    Thanks for your visit today – I enjoyed finding this when I came to return the call! x

  11. Finn Halligan says:

    I still think that u should write one about me!!!!!! :,(

  12. Антон Павлович says:


    Куль надо таких по-чаще и по-больше!…

  13. Janet says:

    I have a great childrens poem. I would be happy to send it to you, it is a narrative poem I wrote for class and I beleive it is pretty good. Just e-mail me if you are intrested 🙂
    Bless you..

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