Brotherhood Poem

by • February 25, 2009 • Brothers-Family, Family PoemsComments (4)6455

Brotherhood Poem

Brotherhood Poem

Brotherhood Poem – Family Poems

You are my brother, the one I love

I know that you love me
And for my safety, you will kill
You help me reach my dreams
And my wishes you always fulfill

But it’s not just the presents
Your love for me is grand
When I am down in the dumps
You cuddle me and hold my hand

You make me feel safe
I believe you when you tell me not to worry
You are there for me, even when
I make mistakes, ‘I am sorry’

When I am in danger or upset
You are always there
I like to thank you for your love
Kindness and care

You are my brother, the one I love
That will never end
But most of all I think of you
As my very best friend

© 2008 Marinela Reka

poem about brotherhood

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