Birds Poems

by • May 26, 2009 • Bird poems, Children Poems, Quatrain Poems, Rhyming PoemsComments (5)6510

Cheep cheep little bird

Birds Poems

Birds Poems

Cheep cheep little bird poem

A short poem for children about a little bird

You made yourself really proud

Cheep cheep little bird
You are upset I have heard
Is that because you can’t fly?
Is not hard, you have to try

Don’t just wonder in your nest
Be brave and try your best
Flap your wings fast in the air
The wind will help you to make it fair

Cheep cheep little bird
You are happy I have heard
You can fly and sing so loud
You made yourself really proud

You can fly and sing so loud

© 2009 Marinela Reka


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5 Responses to Cheep cheep little bird

  1. Kim says:

    Perfect! I have a next up in my patio overhang, I can’t see the baby birds, but I can hear them and it is a joyful noise.

  2. Marinela says:

    You are right kim birds do make a very joyful sound, thank you for the comment!
    Thank you very much Kris Belucci!

  3. olivya says:

    How do i but some poems there?

  4. Ritu says:

    Enjoyed your poems. Well, think they would make wonderful reading for children… so could they be published, with your permission, in our educational books in India.

    Looking forward


  5. Sayan Mahato says:

    I am very impressed because yon have written such exciting poems . Keep it up !

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