Aging Poems

by • July 17, 2011 • Aging Poems, Family PoemsComments (10)9605

Aging Poems

Aging Poems – Life Poems

A poem about old age and life

No Regrets

A grey old man lies by himself
While watching his time flew past
He analyses the life he’s lived
And wonders how it went so fast
Wishes he had appreciated
Something small like a smile
Or give up a few hours
To enjoy life for a while
He watches himself fade away
And in the stillness of his mind
His mistakes and missed opportunities
Slowly begin to unwind
He repeats to himself all the time
As his face wrinkles and hands are cold
“I wish I could be young again
And have no regrets as I grow old”

© 2011 Marinela Reka


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10 Responses to Aging Poems

  1. lovely story.

    no more young, yet determined and stayed strong.

    well done.

  2. Greetings:

    you are invited to share your poetry with us tonight,
    The linking is open now, come in any time.
    Bless your talent.
    Happy Monday.

  3. Leslie White says:

    Oh my. I have had these thoughts as I painted a portrait last year. So sad that so many work so hard and let life pass, not making or maybe not having time for some of these things you mention in your poem. My portrait is here:
    Beautifully written, Marinela.

  4. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. very very evocative poem .. these words ring so true (I suspect) .. I just hope that most elderly remember the good and peaceful times and have no regrets .. so essential that we remember those when we’re with them ..

    Excellent poem .. sad … Hilary

  5. samia says:

    It’s so good a poem! I really like your wisdom: I wish I could be young again
    And have no regrets as I grow old! you are amazing!

  6. Pietro says:

    Such a fine poem, Marinela, really well written.
    Time flies inexorably, never stops, in a continuous uniform movement from the beginning to the end of our material universe.
    Happy Wednesday!

  7. Wow, such a wonderful poem – among my favorites so far 🙂

  8. Petty Witter says:

    How sad. I’m with Estrella in that this is one of my favourites as well.

  9. m.e. gaines says:

    Hello Marinela…enjoyed the reality of this work. The remorse is clearly felt of a life that has not been fully lived…a subject too often true. Thanks for sharing “No Regrets” with all.

  10. Pam O'Halloran says:

    Hi Mainela! I am the page owner of The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly. Thank you so much for inviting me here. I love poetry and write myself. Your work is wonderful. Keep sharing! xoxo

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