Acrostic Poem
Acrostic Poem – Sister Poems
Here is a short poem about sisters. My sister and my best friend. We are so different but at the same time so alike. I love sharing my life with my sister.
Secure enjoyable relationships and full of fun
I would be happy to have more, not only one
Simply with her, my soul feel safe, not scared
Tears of joy and sadness with her I have shared
Emotions of all sorts we have felt about each other
Real love lays in us but we don’t forget about our brother
© 2009 Marinela Reka
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I’m big on sisters myself…I liked this! (And my three sisters and I have one brother, too.)
You have a great talent Marinela,some of your poem changed me in a good way!
Thank you
Hi Marinela.
I read your poems and I really liked them.
Where are you from because i saw somewhere
a newspaper in albanian.
Unfortunately i don’t have a sister but two brothers.
Anyway this poem is really beautiful
Sue it good that you love being a sister, it is a great thing to have someone to share your secrets with and your things with.
Kind, special
Caring, talking, sharing
My complete inspiration
Thank you Pearce i am glad that my poetry changed you and i feel very content that i played a roll in your life.
Gena yes I am Albanian, don’t worry about not having a sister, i have a brother too and he is amazing and protective, i don’t know what i would do without him.
With love
Marinela Reka
i like and i dont like the poem
i have a baby sister and i have a baby sister
i am an elder sister and i have a baby siser!
Thanks princess gonzalez for reading my poems! I understand why you might not like this poem because I am a younger sister and sometimes I don’t get along with my sister because she says I am annoying ( I probably am :p)
Here is a poem I wrote when I was younger… I hope you like it 🙂
Sister’s love
I annoy her, I poke her,
But she still loves me like hell
How much I love her is a word I cannot say
And a story I cannot tell
But yes she bugs me
Sometimes I want to tear her to bits
Obviously she annoys me more
We are both like biting little nits
There is nobody like her
She is my one and only sister, I love her like insane
My love for her is in my soul
In my nails, and in the letters of my name
I congratulate, a brilliant idea and it is duly
well done
Thank you Nikolas and Bob 😀
Hi.shum poem e BUKUR..
I liked your blog marinela. I found your blog recently and was reading it for a few days. I appreciate your time and effort. Keep it that way.
Nyc. . Ihv a bby sista too bt she’s annoy n it drivin me mad. I hate it i hate it!!
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