Acrostic poem for the month of march

by • March 5, 2011 • Acrostic Poems, Month Poems, Nature Poems, Rhyming Poems, Spring PoemsComments (18)10908

Acrostic Poem about March

Acrostic Poem about March

Acrostic Poem about March

Monorhyme and acrostic poem


Moan and moan while the raindrops we hear
Argue with the clouds, wanting them to disappear
Remembering the time spring was last here
Cherishing the sun, hoping it will appear
Happiness surrounds us when spring is clear

© 2011 Marinela Reka

Acrostic poem for the month of March

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18 Responses to Acrostic Poem about March

  1. thingy says:

    LOL. It is a hopeful and disappointing month.

    Lovely blog. : )

  2. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. it’s such a long time ago – I can hardly remember. It’s putting its little tentacles out, but some frosty air keeps being sent south to cool my toes!!

    Happiness will definitely surround us when March and Spring are here .. then we’ll have April showers! Cheers – have a fun day and week ahead .. Hilary

  3. Ahh ‘Happiness surrounds us when spring is clear’ – exactly 😉

  4. Jingle says:

    lovely piece.
    thanks for visiting me, welcome you to link your poem to poets rally.

    have fun today.
    you rock.

  5. Reader Wil says:

    Thanks for your visit! Beautiful photo of a park! We are all hoping that spring will soon be here and we can enjoy all those beautiful flowers.

  6. Awesome acrostic and fitting for this rain filled month! Where I am, it is much appreciated since we where hit with two blizzards in January,ahhhhhh! Lol

  7. Pietro says:

    I like, in this beautiful poem, the soft passage from the waiting for spring to the joy for the spring burst.
    Happy Sunday evening, Marinela!

  8. frayedges says:

    Love it! Great acrostic. I can’t wait for good weather.

  9. Leslie White says:

    Oh I love this Marinela! We had dark and snow, yesterday and birdsong and sun today. Go figure, this fickle thing called March.

  10. Hema says:

    Hi! very interesting blog.
    This is a perfect Spring/March poem.
    Loved the Palindrome poem too.

  11. Blond Duck says:

    You captured it perfectly!

  12. DCW says:

    Snow is still upon the ground
    Puddles, however, can be found
    Rain and sleet begin to pound
    I slip and fall on icy mound
    Nowhere safe to jump and bound
    Gosh, where is the skylark’s sound?

    Thanks for the fun, Marinela.

  13. Zuzana says:

    What a beautiful and poetic description of the first spring month.;))
    Thank you so much for stopping by my page and for your kind comment.;)

  14. SuziCate says:

    Love it…can’t wait for Spring to arrive full blast!

  15. Patrick Mann says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve just been reading your poems and you’re VERY good! I’m rubbish at poetry. I can make a rhyme but I can’t seem to compose anything without a sort of sing-song metre to it. Maybe one day I’ll improve but it’s not an area I’ve written much in.

    Lovely blog. Thank you.

    Patrick (TheWonderer)

  16. Petty Witter says:

    A great start to the month, thanks.

  17. Oh how I wish spring would arrive! It is March 9 and it snowed again over here. I’m looking forward to seeing the earth again.

  18. Hope says:

    wonderful poem!

    love your page! the design is beautiful

    thank you for your visit and comment

    looking forward to reading more from you


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