A 5w poem about kind souls

by • January 23, 2011 • 5 W Poems, Moral Poems, Short PoemsComments (22)10523

5w poem about kind souls

5w PoemKind souls

5w Poem – Kind souls

Kind Souls

Kind souls
Making the earth a joyful place,
Camouflaged with all other souls,
You find them every waking minute,
Because what you give is what you get..

© 2011 Marinela Reka

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A 5w poem about kind souls

A 5w poem about kind souls

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22 Responses to 5w poem about kind souls

  1. DCW says:

    Soft words
    Inscribed by a poet
    Caught in the net
    To be found in passing

  2. Old 333 says:

    Thanks for sharing your work out here, M.R.! We all make the web a more decorative place.

  3. Pietro says:

    Bright souls
    like fireflies
    in the dark

    Very fine 5W Poem, Marinela!

  4. Libby Leaper says:

    What a beautiful thought. Love your riddle poems too – must try to write one! A gorgeously enriching website.

  5. David King says:

    Love the phrasing here.

  6. True, give joy, receive joy, and that too manifold.


  7. Blond Duck says:

    I love your way with words.

  8. RJ Clarken says:

    This is a totally beautiful poem!

  9. Fishing Guy says:

    Marinela: What a neat site, your poetry is cool/

  10. I like this.
    Such a kind hearted poem

  11. Hilary says:

    Hi Marinela .. if we open our eyes, and we acknowledge others, we will definitely find more and more kind souls .. Lovely thoughts in a poem .. great read … cheers Hilary

  12. HildeC says:

    That was a beautiful poem 🙂

  13. Petty Witter says:

    Such words of wisdom, thanks for sharing them.

  14. Ramesh Sood says:

    Dear Marineal.. how true it .. but then one needs to be consistent in choosing that is good.. and then sharing…God bless..

  15. Keep writing! You are always getting better. Each poem is but a stepping stone to your next masterpiece.

  16. Geraldine says:

    So very true. We should all keep that last line in mind. G

  17. Blond Duck says:

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  18. Petty Witter says:

    Because what you give is what you get.. – I agree, if I had a philosophy about life these words would be included.

  19. padmaja says:

    Your poems are soulful..the meanings within very deep and touching!

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